Monday, October 12, 2009


Can you imagine what would happen if there are no teachers? Are there nurses, doctors, engineers, architects, lawyers and other proffesionals if they're not here? Do we have a great knowledge about the things around us if there are no teachers who are sacrificing just to teach us?
Teachers are our heroes. They play a vital role in our country. They are one of the keys in reaching our goals in life.They guide us in our everyday life in school.They are our supporters, they support us and teach us the right things to do. Even though there are some difficulties weve been encountered our teachers tried to solve it they are our companion in solving those problems.
Many of us students, we did not know how important our teacher is. But.....someday we would realize how they are important, for even though they are tired they were very active in teaching us. They showed their love from their students by correcting their errors or mistakes. We have to listen carefully and attentively to our teachers for as we listen, there are so many lessons weve learned and that lessons we have learned serves as a great knowledge to us. That Great knowledge will serve as a key to our better future.. As a atudent i will say...."MY TEACHER IS MY HERO"